Sustainable Partnership is our primary goal
PT. Anantara Inter Pasifik
Be Our Partner
Thank you for your interest in partnering with us! We believe our local goods are thriving and can compete in the global market. We are here to build a new partnership ecosystem to create new opportunities for suppliers all over our proud nation.
Indonesia is known as an agricultural country, but in fact the Indonesian government still had to import raw or processed foods with sizeable value and volume. By working with partners who are aligned with our values, we would like to support our local farmers to ensure that all the major commodities we depend on are produced sustainably for the global market. Therefore can increase Indonesia’s export growth.
In the fast-moving consumer goods industry, Indonesian brands are getting more and more worldwide recognition. The demands for good quality and price products are getting higher. We are confident that many local companies will advance and bloom to become multi-national companies with the right approach.
We aim to support our partners’ growth based on shared purpose and willingness to mutual growth while competing in the global market bringing Indonesian heritage known to the world.

It can all start with an introduction.
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